Friday, January 07, 2005

Tire store drama

I normally dress nice for work but when I get off work I want to be comfy. Last night after work I was going to my best friend's house to help her pack for the upcoming move. After I got home from work I put on some pajama pants and a t-shirt and my tennis shoes to go help her pack. On my way out the door I noticed my tire was a little flat so I got hubby to come and look at it and it has a nail or something in it. He calls one of the local tire stores and they were still open, so off I go to get my tire fixed and then go to best friend's house. I get there and tell them my problem with my tire and I sit in the little waiting area watching the news and waiting for my tire to be fixed. So a few minutes later the young guy came rolling my tire into the waiting area. He proceeds to tell me that I need new tires at least 2. So I give him my most pitiful look and tell him that I just can't afford new tires right now, to please just fix the hole in my flat tire. So he rolls my tire back out to the shop and comes back a few minutes later. He proceeds to tell me that his manager has told him that they cannot fix my tire because it is unsafe for me to drive with that tire on my car. Okay mind you I do need new tires, but not today. The tire is not slick, it is not showing threads, just a little worn on one side. Oh yeah my car does needs a front end alignment so it causes the tires to wear unevenly. Well duh, I knew that. Anyway it pissed me off. I could feel my blood pressure rising. I looked at the little guy and said, "What?" He told me that they could be held liable if I were to get in an accident if they fixed that tire. Well I think they are more liable if they don't fix it and I get in an accident. Is it more dangerous to ride around with a bad tire that is flat or full of air? HHHMMMMM, I wonder. I called my hubby to tell him that they would not fix my tire and he was aggravated. The little guy offered to put my spare on for me, I looked at him in the best pissed look that I have and told him to put my tire back on my car, I don't want that stupid spare on my car. My hubby was still on the phone as I told him this and was trying to tell me to let them put the spare on. Well I was having no part of it, I told my husband that I did not want them to do anything else to my car. I looked at the guy again and made sure that he understood that I wanted the tire with the nail in it back on my car. They promptly put the tire back on my car and gave me the keys and I got in my car and left. I went the few blocks back to my house and got hubby's car and went to best friend's house.

1 comment:

C. said...

Car troubles can be such a pain! I think there's this unspoken mantra that all mechanics follow: keep the customer there as long as possible. For some reason every time I go get my car checked-out/fixed it takes FOREVER! What a drag!

Good luck with the tires...glad to see you're blogging again :)