Monday, January 03, 2005

Que sera, sera

That is my New Year's resolution. Whatever will be, will be. If I lose weight, so be it. If I exercise regularly, so be it. Whatever happens I will deal with it and make the best of it. I had a great New Year's eve. We went out to eat Mexican food with my Mother in law and sister in law and all went back to our house for the countdown to the New Year. I was so tired I could barely hold my eyes open, but I did. I stayed up until 1 or so and then I went to bed.

I still had not started my period on Friday or Saturday, so we were getting exciting thinking the New Year would bring us a baby. We decided that we would take a pregnancy test Sunday morning when we woke up. I woke up Sunday morning about 8:30 and let the dog out and woke my hubby up and asked if he was ready to do the test. He said yes, with a huge grin. I went into the bathroom and peed on the stick, put the top back on and left it laying on the counter. We waited and waited and waited. It seemed like an eternity. We decided that it was time to go and look. So we ran into the bathroom and I let him flip the test back over and guess what? Yep you guessed it negative. I was crushed. I was 6 days late and still not pregnant. What is the matter with my body? So all day on Sunday my hubby kept asking me if I had started yet? The answer was no everytime. I think he was just hoping that the test was wrong. I slept most of the day partly because I was tired and partly because I was depressed about still not conceiving. So my monthly visitor came to see me this morning with a vengence, bringing with her horrible cramps and a backache.

I am trying to keep my chin up about this whole thing, but I am not getting any younger and neither is my husband. I think we will try one more month on our own and if still no success this month we will seek some medical testing to be sure that we aren't trying in vain. So thank you to everyone who kept their fingers crossed for us this month. Keep them crossed and maybe next month I will have good news.

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