Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Short attention spans

(try to read this very fast, it is the way I think)

Hello my name is... Awe look at that puppy. I suffer from a short attention span. Can you believe it? I have known it for quite sometime. I find it difficult to concentrate on one thing for very long and the least little thing can break my concentration. Oh I love that song. Back to what I was saying, my mind is constantly running in circles. I can be in the middle of doing the deed with my hubby and I will remember something that I needed to tell him and I have to stop myself from telling him this nonimportant fact then because he may think that I am not interested in what we are doing. It is not that I am not interested in what I am doing it is just that there are many things going on in my mind. That is the reason that I feel that I never get much accomplished at work is because I am constantly interrupted. brb phone call... Anywho, my phone rings constantly and I must talk with enthusiasm to the clients that call me. Most of them I really do like. So when I get home in the afternoons I completely avoid the phone, that means not catching up with friends and family and not gossiping all night long. I HATE TO TALK on the phone, partly because I get bored easily and I tend to zone out on the phone and do other things and then when the person that I am talking to finally lets me go, I have no idea what we talked about. Are you with me? Am I losing anyone? My desk sits facing a window and often times I find myself staring out the window at the passing cars and people walking their dogs. It is not because I ... sorry interrupted again. This time my co-worker wanted to know if I watched Who's Your Daddy?, Well no as a matter of fact I did not, sorry. What was I writing about oh yeah here I am. It is not because I don't like my job, it is because I am just distracted. I also move constantly, whether it be shaking my foot or bouncing in my chair. I thought at one time that I wanted to be a computer programmer, boy was I wrong. Well I did go back to school for a little while and took a few classes. I was in a computer class one time and I was just bouncing around in my chair and moving all around and I looked around me and I was like the only person moving in the entire room. I immediately told myself to be still and just sit there. I hate being still and just sitting there. I just thought I would share my attention span or lack thereof with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heh, this sounds like a combination of me, my mother and my husband all rolled into one!
