Monday, November 13, 2006


Do you always comment on every blog that you read? Do you visit people that comment on your blog? Is there a certain commenting etiquette for commenting? I am just wondering. I have some blogs that I read that are the "popular" kids and I don't normally comment on them because it isn't like they would notice anyway. There are other sites that I read religiously and I comment on them every time I read them. If I miss a post I normally go back and read it and comment on it too. However if I disagree with your opinion on something, rather than get into a HUGE online disagreement with you and risk our "friendship", I just remain silent and do not comment or I comment on something other than the thing that I disagree with. I don't like conflict, so I try to avoid it if I can.

Anyway when I was reading through my few comments on my last post I had a comment from someone that I did not recognize, so I checked him out. Okay he has like more than 200 comments on his last post and he read my blog? Not only did he read my blog, but he took the time to leave a comment. The post he read is horrible, it was my lame excuse for a Friday post, but he still took the time to leave a comment. I feel honored, just as I do everyday to see my comments from my regular readers. I guess we all like to be noticed. Anyway, if you read me, but don't comment, PLEASE at least comment just to say hello and let me know that you read me. Have a Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

Ah! Your blog is really fun--my son turned a year old on Halloween and we're in the thick of weaning right now. I'll have to keep checking back here to read your Mommy blogs and get someone else's perspective on life with a new one-year-old. Right now, mine is pinching my love handles with his razor sharp baby fingernails.

PS You read my anonymous blog, but here is my real home:

Mama Beck said...

I hate it... just as much as I hate going to a party where you don't know anybody and trying to strike up an "interesting" conversation with someone you don't know.
However, I do believe in being polite, saying hello when you are introduced to someone and returning the introduction by stopping by their party to see what is happening there.
... and yes... there have been many times when I wanted to start on online duel, but I didn't join the debate team, I started a blog.

Elmwood said...

ok honey he posted about the male anatomy--hence the 200
I don't comment on people's blogs who get that many comments becaus eI just figutre mine will be in a sea of others--so why bother?!?!?!?

I am bad at commenting--sometimes I have to go back to blogs 3-4 times just to read the whole post and by then I just forget to!!

Anonymous said... I one of those online friends you disagree with!?! Even if it is, I do the same thing you do.

I don't comment on popular kids site either. I comment to participate with someone's blog. That is one of the fun things about this online circle here. But participation is a two way street.

Plus? When they get 20+ comments, will they really notice mine? My time is precious and I'd prefer to use it on people who notice me!!

Anonymous said...

I lurk a lot these days. I didn't used to. I used to read a dozen blogs and always comment! But those were back in the days when I checked my stat counter every five minutes and I was trying to get as many hits a day as was absolutely possible. (In other words pre-bettyblog.)

Now I only read a handful of blogs and I only comment when I feel compelled to say something. (And since you know me you are thinking, "Christine... you always feel compelled to say something!" but it's different with the blogs.)

Lately I am bad about catching up on my reading and commenting. It his slipped down the ole priority list a bit.

Jodi said...

All I know is....I read yours every day, and I leave comments every time. And I look forward to you reading mine.

Anonymous said...

Ok lately I've been guilty of not leaving comments on a lot of blogs I have been keeping up with so I'm going to straighten up. Whoa won't that be a straightening up anyway this last post of yours sounds a lot like me as I read through it. Must be why I like reading your blog because we think alike a lot of times. 200 HITS...geez I can't count that far. How does he do it? Anyway have a great week and remember that I'm out here somewhere even if I don't know where I am.

Anonymous said...

I seem to follow a similar "comment etiquette" to you - only I usually wait and read a few entries (and sometimes archives, too) so I know what kind of person I'm commenting to before my first comment... that way I feel there's a lower risk of accidentally offending someone.

Lately, however, with the whole "new mom" thing to worry about, I haven't even been commenting on those I normally read/comment on regularly. Then again, I haven't had a lot of time to READ them, either, so maybe that has something to do with it.

I do ADORE getting comments, though, as I think all bloggers do... for me it's justification that I am not wasting my time by posting about my boring life. :D

Kristi said...

I used to comment on every post I read, and I still try my hardest to, but with Isabella, it's hard to find the time to read, much less comment, as much as I want to. But, I do love your blog, and your writing, so I make every effort to comment here as much as possible!

Cricky said...

I don't comment on each and every blog I read, but if I do comment it's usually because the person made me think.

Or they have the same color phone as I do...which ever...:)

Brittany said...

I'm like you. I hesitate to comment on "popular" blogs, but thruthfully, some of the best blogs I read aren't "popular." So don't think that just because you don't get hundreds of comments means that your blog isn't awesome.

One of my problems with comments is that I have dial-up internet so it takes about three minutes for me to successfully log in and leave a comment. Crappy, eh? So I usually just read without commenting, but someday when I have REAL internet, I'll gladly leave comments regularly to support all of my blog buddies!