Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stress is killing me

The stress at work is really bad lately. It is causing me tummy problems and headaches and insomnia. I DON'T LIKE IT! My boss is still out of course with his back surgery and I am trying to do it all. Today is my first month end that I have to do it all, and do it all alone. I am very stressed because our business is down and that makes the other employess ill and cranky. I could not eat supper last night because I felt EXTREMELY nauseated. I could not go to sleep because my mind was just racing about work. My head is hurting and I am certain that my blood pressure is up. It is all stress. I will be glad when today and tomorrow are over with so I can relax again. Pray for me, send me some positive thoughts and energy!


heels said...

Just remember- you're a mom. You can do anything!

Jodi said...

Deep breaths. Hot bath. Meaningless TV or video or book.

Cricky said...

wishing you peace girl....hope saturday brings relaxation and relief for you.

Anonymous said...

Just lifted a prayer up as we speak (or type!)